6 tips to escape the over-indebtedness
- admin
- March 3, 2016
Or gives you some tricks to avoid over-indebtedness
• Develop a family budget is the best instrument to control expenditure. As? Just make a list of income and other expenses. After that, it is to calculate the two values, and if the amount to spend more than the amount you earn, you need to review the spending. This budget should be reviewed every month and adjusted if income or expenses to change.
• Check the rate of effort. For this will need to examine the weight fixed benefits are in the budget. Note that these should not exceed 35% of monthly income.
• Decrease costs. There are always little tricks to follow, particularly in spending on electricity, water, etc. Sometimes change small habits can make a difference (for example, take lunch to work, avoid taking breakfast away from home, among many other examples).
• Make a shopping list. Thus runs less risk of buying unnecessary products. Whenever possible, set a budget for what you want to spend.
• Limit the number of loans and avoid purchases of benefits associated with credits. At the end entail more costs and is more information to add to your list of Credit Register Central responsibilities (CRC) managed by the Bank of Portugal.
• Avoid points cards with associated credit if you do not want to use them as such. They are seen as potential credit; so consider the advantages and disadvantages of joining the loyalty card of a large surface if it has associated credit. In addition to the charges associated weighs in assessing your risk as a client.