Prices. Find out what is about to increase in January
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- December 22, 2015
We’re counting down to a new year.
Banking and telecommunications are the sectors that will register greater increases early in the new year. In the case of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, no commissions arriving to rise 20%, as in telecommunications be prepared to pay over 12 euros per year. But not all bad news. There are areas where we attend a service or descent values. You will pay the same tolls on bread and household income. The water bill and IMI, the rise or fall will depend on the camera where you live
The bill will rise 2.5%, both for customers in the liberalized market or to consumers who still have the transitional tariffs regulated regime. Only consumers with social tariff have a smaller increase, of 0.9%. This is the proposal of the Regulatory Authority for Energy Services, which will now have to be validated by the Tariff Board – a structure that brings together public authorities, businesses and consumer representatives. The final decision will be known on 15 December, but the Tariff Board usually follow the recommendations of ERSE. If confirmed the rise of 2.5% for most consumers, the impact is of 1.18 euros in a monthly bill of 47.6 euros.
Prices will depend on each municipality. With the reform carried out by the previous government sector is being made to harmonize tariffs across the country, in which the general rule is to lower prices in most interior counties, making gradual increases on the coast, where the municipalities are most populous. In Greater Lisbon, for example, the larger municipalities will incur a surcharge of 6% water price if the chambers decide to transfer the rise in price for the end consumer. Sintra, Loures, Amadora, Cascais and Odivelas are in this group. An increase of 6% water rate is only 19 cents an average of 10m3 per household, but families are also exposed to multiple fees and charges that the cameras add to the water bill.
Both Us as Meo has released the new price list for 2016 on their sites. In the case of Meo, all the tuition will rise one euro. For example, the unlimited tariff (monthly with loyalty) will go from 11.99 to 12.99 euros. In the case of Meo, a tariff which currently costs 9.90 euros per month (200 MB) passes costing 10.49. Duplicate navigation instead of paying 19.90 euros will cost 13.49 euros as early as January. In the case of 1G instead of the current 16,90 euros per year will cost 17.49 euros per month.
Some of the major banks will enjoy the New Year to update commissions. CGD has the highest increases. The increases are expected to reach 20%, as in the annual fee for using the ATM Caixautomática Electron and Maestro cards, which goes from 15 to 18 euros. Many customers will start paying the monthly and annual fees of maintenance deposits (4.95 euros and 59.4 euros respectively). So far, who had an average balance of 3,500 euros not paid; only escapes those who have more than 5000 euros.
The cameras can IMI apply a rate ranging between 0.3 and 0.5%. A total of 308 municipalities, 294 have already communicated the amount you will charge to residents. Most kept the minimum rates, 41 chose to go down and only three decided to climb it. This is the case of Felgueiras, Aveiro and Mourao.
Some have also chosen to give discounts to respect certain criteria: households that have a child can get a discount up to 10%, those who have two children can enjoy a discount up to 15%, and if they have three or more, the discount can reach 20%. Many municipalities have already taken the decision to grant this boon, including Lisbon, Braga, Viseu or Oeiras. In all, 123 cameras that have given the go-ahead to the discount. Of the remaining 185 municipalities, a total of 27 have already decided that they will not implement the measure, many of them because they are in a delicate financial situation. This is the case the chamber of Porto, Faro, Ermesinde and Vila Nova de Gaia.
The values that are not yet known will be charged in 2016, but even in November the prices were reviewed. This is the case of user fees in the permanent service Services (SAP) which happened to be the same, regardless of the timing of consultations. Instead of 10 euros are now charged 5 euros, equal to what is practiced in health centers. Already the abortion per woman of option has become pay: 7.75 euros. In hospital emergency rooms, various means of diagnosis of large value may be necessary, but the user will pay a maximum of 50 euros for the service (consultation and medical examinations).
Rents will suffer virtually no update next year due to the low inflation rate. This is because landlords may update the values in only 0.16%, virtually no change from the current level, and what happens after 2015 did not occur any change. The reduced value update can lead many homeowners to do the update.
Landlords still wanting to review the values can do so while respecting a minimum of 30 days to the date of update.
The lease agreements of the universe revealed by the last Census stands at over 700,000, but the rules of the update are not equal for all.
Transport and tolls
The government should set the price of public transport updated at the beginning of each year, such as the Metro or Carris, but so far have not done so. The delay is due to the period of post-election political uncertainty and change of government and policies for the sector, i explained to a source of public transport authorities. As it is not known whether or not reversal of the awards decided by the previous government, political decisions on prices are also open justified. As for tolls, drivers will pay the same by passing on Brisa motorways and major concessions. The annual price update is indexed to inflation measured by INE in October, which stood at 0.63%. As this amount is not enough for a minimal upgrade five cents in rates, prices should remain unchanged.